The Israel Yoga Festival will hold a complex dedicated this year as well
Dear Assaf Valden
Assaf was a student of Tamar Adi (professional director of the festival) and over the years he also studied yoga teaching. He was an artist, musician, educator, soulmate and one-of-a-kind conversationalist. Assaf has practiced yoga for over a decade and recently found comfort and peace in the restorative practice for the pains of the body and mind.
Asaf shared the idea of building such a complex for the well-being of the festival island with Tamar a few days before his death. Many yoga teachers and students knew and loved Assaf and he beats in many hearts and the pain is greater than a burden.
In the complex you can come and rest in restorative poses or yen yoga poses. The whole atmosphere there is directed inward: quiet darkness and minimal movement so that the place is a balancing space from the outdoor hustle and bustle of the festival.
There are no phones food or small talk in the complex there are experienced yen yoga teachers waiting for you/n there to offer a pose or lay a hand…
We cherish Assaf
and dedicate this complex to him
During the festival, you can come and practice postures with the support of yoga equipment (bolsters, cubes, straps) or just rest in shawasana.
Throughout the hours, there will be a teacher in the complex who will help and direct, but no guided lesson will be held there.
The equipment was donated with great love by Yoga Shop and will be sold at a 50% discount at the end of the festival.
Operating times:
– Fridays from 8:00 to 20:00
– Saturday from 9:00 to 15:00
המורות אשר ילוו את המתחם ותרמו מזמנן באהבה רבה לאסף ולרסטורטיביות הינן:
☆ אדר ליברמן
☆ אפרת כהן
☆ גילת תשובה
☆ דניאלה גכטמן ארבל
☆ חיה לייב ישי
☆ מאיה קסל
☆ ליטל תייר
☆ רעיה וינחנסקי
☆ קמי גלזר
זמני פעילות:
– שישי מ 8:00 עד 20:00
– שבת מ 9:00 עד 15:00