We seek to create a space where there will be a place for everyone, a place for the meeting of the methods, currents and styles of practice. A place where we can gather together, share the insights of the way, the knowledge, learn together.
We create a common space for acquaintance and inspiration between teachers and practitioners, between students of different methods, a place for conversation for joint learning, seek to allow all yoga ways to meet and gather in one place for a few days.
It is only by the very nature of this encounter that so many things can take place. The encounter, this unity that takes place in it, alongside the personal experience of everyone who attends it, all of us together, side by side, is yoga, and that is the essence of the festival for us.
Beyond the meeting itself, we also see the festival as a significant and multidimensional means of promoting the practice and teaching of yoga in Israel.
From the different teachers and currents, through the knowledge that will be shared to the right to expose yoga to more and more people, new and old in the practice.
In addition, we create collaborations with bodies that promote yogic practice in Israel.
We want to enable a diverse and rich experience where freedom of choice is in your hands, we want to introduce you to a space where you will be surrounded by the leading yogis in Israel, where you can go to study with each of them, each of them has something to give you and your practice, we want to give you all the knowledge that there is here packed in one complex.